
Spring Cleaning Our Phones

This article was written by my colleague NRTC Managed Services Admin

While we know during this time all about cleaning the exterior of our phones often—disinfectant wipes on the case and lightly on the screen—now might be a good time to also spring clean the contents of your phone as well. Start by viewing Settings where all apps are listed in order of data usage. Do you really need that banking app for the account you closed last year? If not, delete. But don’t stop there!

  1. Organize your apps. Put all shopping apps in one folder, travel apps in another, and all your social media in another, and so on.
  2. Delete/archive photos. Spend an afternoon going through all pictures. Archive the ones you love to a drive or the cloud and delete everything else from your phone.
  3. Clear the cache. Clearing your browsing history and web data will increase the speed of your phone significantly. This step will remove all stored user IDs and passwords (bad news) but it will also force you to reset passwords (good news for security).
  4. Delete texts and voicemails. Chances are you’ve got some keepers in there but you also likely have thousands of messages you’ll never check again and they are just bogging down your phone.
  5. Cut the cord with robots. Have you gotten on robo-text lists, e-alert systems, or subscription services you don’t really use every month? Send “N” to any automatic texter you don’t wish to hear from, unsubscribe to email newsletters you no longer want, and cancel subscriptions you’re not using.

These steps will not only speed up your phone but make for a better user experience. Now that you know where everything is, you’ll have more time on your hands to do some actual spring cleaning. That garage is not going to organize itself…

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