
Tips For Making It Through This Election Day

It’s finally here! Election Day 2020! This particular match-up is one that people are very passionate about, as indicated by the number of new voter registrations and early voting. And, because of the pandemic, the logistics of voting will be very different this year.

If you aren’t among the more than 70 million people who have already voted, and you still plan to vote in-person November 3rd, here are a few important tips for making it through this Election Day.

Know where to go

If you have a voter ID card, your polling station should appear on it. Some polling station locations have changed so it is recommended to check www.vote.org and give yourself plenty of time to get there and park or walk from public transportation.

If you get to your polling station and you aren’t on their roster, request a provisional ballot. You may have to provide additional information to confirm your identity.

Pack for the long haul

Because of the pandemic some polling stations have closed and in others there may be a shortage of poll workers meaning you are likely to wait in line for longer than normal. If you’re disabled or not used to standing for long stretches, bring a chair. Pack a bag that includes water, a light snack, and a good book. If you read on your phone or Kindle, make sure your devices are charged before you go (and bring a portable charger just in case!).

Most importantly, bring a photo ID and a mask. You should not be turned away for not wearing a mask, but you may be escorted to an outdoor space to cast your ballot.

What you can’t do at your polling station

There is a lot of enthusiasm for this election, but there are a few definite no-no’s you should keep in mind. Some states don’t allow political attire so you may need to keep those items at home. Use your phone all you want in line, but when you step into the polling station, put your phone away (and definitely don’t take pictures). Don’t campaign or “electioneer” for candidates while in line.

And, don’t let anyone in line or within the polling station badger, coerce, or threaten you into changing your vote. Your vote is confidential and sacred. This is our one chance every four years to choose our path forward, to exercise our right, and to let our voices be heard.

So make a plan, download a book, pack a snack, and get out there and vote!

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