
Hooking up Your PS5 101

Your prayers were answered! Santa delivered! Somehow, by some miracle, the new PlayStation5 is yours, all yours! If you’ve owned a PlayStation console before, much of the set-up and configuration is the same but if you’re new to the PS game, read on and you’ll be set up in a jiffy:

1. Attach the base to the PS5 console. You can set this up vertically or horizontally.

2. Connect the console to a display device using an HDMI cable.

3. Plug the power cable into the AC IN connector of the PS5 and then plug the cable into an electrical outlet.

4. Turn on the console and follow the on-screen instructions to connect your controllers, adjust settings, and prepare to connect to the internet.

5. Connect the console to the internet.

6. Update the PS5 System Software.

7. Connect the console to the PlayStation network.

8. If you have an existing console, transfer games and data from it to the PlayStation Plus cloud storage and then to the PS5.

9. Buy a game! From the Games home, go to Playstation Store, find the game you want, select Buy > Confirm Purchase > Download. Your new game now appears in your Game Library.

10. Play!

For the extremely uninitiated, detailed instructions are available on the PlayStation website here: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/ps5-get-started-set-up/

Enjoy, play hard, and get out and get some air from time to time.

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