World Password Day

Happy World Password Day. On this day, across the country, people change Password to Pa$$word and think their job is done. They upgrade from MapleStreet1 to MapleStreet2 and think the hackers have been appeased. But no! There’s so much more to be done! As always, keep the following in mind when you update your passwords […]

HOW TO: Be Better Budgeters

Well done! April 15th has come and gone, and you filed your taxes on time. Your refund is on the way and all your supporting paperwork is filed away neatly in your file cabinet. Now you can rest on your laurels until next April, right? Wrong! We’re a few months out from January 1st but […]

Security Alert: AT&T Data Breach

Another big tech firm falls to hackers. This time, telecommunications giant, AT&T, just reported that data from over 73 million of its customers (current and former) were stolen and sold on the dark web. Most of those affected (65.4 million) were customers from 2019 or earlier, but all those impacted were notified that personal data […]

Celebrating Women in Science and Technology

Technology is an amazing thing. Sometimes it leaps and bounds forward with spectacular breakthroughs, and sometimes it advances with seemingly simple steps that change our daily life forever. This International Women’s Day, let’s meet four women whose accomplishments left an indelible mark on science, technology, and our day-to-day work, play, and Wordle! Annie Easley was […]

Happy Leap Day!

For all you 4 year olds out there about to get your driver’s license… happy leap year! That’s right, this February you’ll get an extra day to ensure that our calendar year is properly synced with the solar year (which is actually slightly more than the 365 day calendar we all follow). Although this kind […]

New Year, New Tech

Some monumental changes in the technology landscape happened in 2023 and—just like the change to your waistline when your new diet kicks in!—big changes are on the horizon for 2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has only begun to show us what it can do so we can expect to see more technologies, companies, service providers, and […]

Honoring and Celebrating Veterans Day

The world seems an unsteady place at the moment. Disagreements and conflict abound at home, and unrest and confusion rule abroad. But when the world feels askew and we’re not sure where to put our faith, the United States military holds firm. Throughout our history, our freedoms and way of life have been secured by […]

Hacked! A Spooky Halloween Tale

Once upon a midnight dreary, a connected consumer grew nervous and weary. He mailed in his hair (and not for free!), to the family tree company, 23andMe. No specter took over, no ghouls attacked. But still, just as scary, that firm was bloody hacked! That’s right. Earlier this month, a hacker stole data from the […]

Streamlining Summer Streaming

Hiking, biking, swimming, and grilling…all wonderful ways to enjoy your summer. But sometimes, the only way to beat the heat is to head into the AC and binge great TV until you pass out. With so many streaming options, are you using your services efficiently? Are you being double-billed for bundled services? Could you save […]

Spring into Tidied up Tech

It’s that time again! Time to sweep out the cobwebs and the empty pizza boxes that got us through the cold winter, and breathe some fresh air into our homes and workplaces. And, when you’re finished alphabetizing the contents of your pantry, your technology (physical and digital) could use some featherdusting as well. Here’s how: […]

Shop Smarter (not Harder) on Amazon

Have you ever tossed out an empty package of something you bought on Amazon and LOVED but couldn’t remember what it was called? (And then spent a day scrolling through products trying to find “the one”?) Never again! Here are a couple powerful tools on the Your Orders screen that will make shopping, returns, and […]

Pssssst. What’s the Password?

As we celebrate World Password Day next Thursday, please tell us that LAST World Password Day was not the last time you changed your password… We all know that as we continue to get more connected online—shopping, banking, networking, gaming, and even dating—it’s more critical than ever that we choose strong passwords and update them […]
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